Listing of games available:15 Sand Warriors Settlers II Seven Kingdoms Scorched Planet Scud Shadowmaster Shadow Warrior Sid Meier's Gettysburg Space Jam Starcraft Starfleet Academy Street Racer SWIV 3D Syndicate Syndicate Wars ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Warriors: Open config.ini in a text editor, such as TextPad. At the end of the file, add... VIZIER=999 PORPHYR=999 POLERMO=999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Settlers II: To enable cheat mode in Settlers 2, type in "thunder". The indication of cheat mode is a circle with exclamation mark (!) in the right top of the screen. Now you can press F7 to see the whole map, or ALT and 1, 2, 3 etc. to adjust the game speed. To use the cheats in the Gold edition, type in "winter" instead of "thunder". Here you can also build headquarters on un-occupied territories. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Kingdoms: To activate the cheats, type !!!@@@###. If successful, a dialog box saying "Cheat Mode Enabled" will appear. Code Description ; Increases population in a random city. \ 1000 food. b Finishes construction on selected building. c 1000 credits. m Displays the map. t Full tech advances and scrolls. u Immortal king. z Fast build. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorched Planet: Code Description Cheat Codes aliah Invulnerability toggle. fatal All weapons and ammunition. Level Codes lava2 Mission 1 stage 2. lava3 Mission 1 stage 3. gale1 Mission 2 stage 1. gale2 Mission 2 stage 2. gale3 Mission 2 stage 3. croc1 Mission 3 stage 1. croc2 Mission 3 stage 2. croc3 Mission 3 stage 3. heat1 Mission 4 stage 1. heat2 Mission 4 stage 2. heat3 Mission 4 stage 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scud: Enter these passwords at the Password screen to leap to the corresponding level. (Note: space between words must be observed.) 2. old man 3. short but tall 4. diet mnip 5. tithes 6. popcorn 7. not poodle 8. packet of crisps 9. medicine 10. snowboarding 11. 216bit 12. rendering 13. bear game 14. horse 15. kiddywinks 16. jallaballabon 17. hot beverage 18. muntress 19. pantera rosa 20. rennaissance wedding 21. hectic man ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadowmaster: At the main menu, press F2 + F3. You should see the message "Cheats On". Now hold + and press BackSpace for a Cheat Code prompt. SCOUSER - Enable playtester keys TURBO - Turbo mode EVERY LEVEL SAVE - Can save after every level ALLOW SINGLE - Single player on multi-level PAPARAZZI - Press Insert to save a Screenshot (in C:\TEMP\PIX) THE WHOLE OF CREATION - All cheats off Playtester keys: Shift-F9 - Skip level F11 - Ammo cheat F12 - Health cheat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sid Meier's Gettysburg: While playing, press Shift and Enter, type a code, and then press Enter to activate. Code Description Confederate Codes: beauregard Increases experience. halleck Computer v. computer mode. harrison Displays enemy's battle order. hill Calls immediate reinforcements. hotchkiss Shows all troops. jackson Eliminates stress. lee Rallies routed troops. longstreet Fortifies all troops. pickett Advances clock. stuart ResetS clock. Union Codes buford Resets clock. custer Displays enemy's battle order. halleck Computer v. computer mode. hancock Eliminates stress. hooker Fortifies all troops. mcclellan Increases experience. reynolds Calls immediate reinforcements. sedgwick Advances clock. sheridan Rallies routed troops. warren Shows all troops. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Warrior: While playing Shadow Warrior, first press t, then type in the cheat code and press Enter. Code Description swchan God mode. swghost No clipping mode. swgimme All inventory items. swgreed God mode, all items and ammo. swloc Displays frame rate. swmap Full map on/off. swname Change name in multi-player. swquit Quits the game. swres Changes screen resolution. swstart Restarts level. swtrekXX Jumps to level number XX. swtrix Bunny Rocket mode. winpachinko Win at the Pachinko machines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Jam: The PC Space Jam cheats must be typed in after the "SJ" command line when the program is run (with a space inbetween) [example: "sj little_toons"] To activate more than one cheat at a time, you may tag on as many cheats as desired, adding a space before each one [example: "sj little_toons little_monstars superjumps"] CODES little_monstars = Shrinks monstars little_toons = Shrinks tune squad big_monstars = Grows monstars big_toons = Grows tune squad alwaysmakeshot = Always make the shot alwaysdunk = Every shot is a dunk fastgame = Accelerates game speed turbofly = Hit turbo while jumping to get "extra boost" endlessturbo = Permanently full turbo meter fadeaways = Jump in whatever direction you were moving in noinbounds = Never have to inbound the ball noshotclock = Disables the shot clock superpush = Super-strong pushes superjump = Super-strong jumps noai = Uses secret courts in-game at random Kanopef = Activates endless turbo, fadeaways, no inbounds, no shot clock, turbofly and always-make-shot cheats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starfleet Academy: To reload photons in mission 7, type "****tiberius" after first battle. Then go to transporter range of starbase and hit "i". To get extra photon power in Omega 12-300, type "$punish" To kill Sherak in Smugglers Den, type "$->ME!". To kill Romulan near Raven in end game, type "mercury". To go up against the Starfleet Academy production team, type "knat attack" in the Starbase system, in Balance of Terror. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starcraft: These only work in single player mode. Hit enter to bring up the message prompt, then type in the code. Code Description black sheep wall Shows entire map. breathe deep Free Vespene. food for thought Build units beyond supply limit. game over man Lose the mission. medieval man Gives units free upgrades. modify the phase variance Allows any structure to be built. no glues Computer cannot use special powers. operation cwal Speeds up the building time. ophelia Type in, press Enter then mission number. power overwhelming God Mode. show me the money 10,000 minerals and 10,000 vespene. something for nothing All available upgrades. staying alive Keep playing after victory. the gathering Use special abilities with no energy cost. there is no cow level Win the mission. war aint what it used to be Disables fog of war. whats mine is mine Free Minerals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street Racer: In the game options, type in these codes as Cup Password: Code Description dougal Platium cup. nejati Gold cup. trafik Silver cup. turgay Advanced options. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWIV 3D: To enable the cheat menu, type in "themanwiththegoldenswiv" while playing SWIV 3D. Cheating won't stop the score. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syndicate: Rename your team one of the following names (depending on which cheat your want to enable) and you'll be all set. Nuk Them Select any country on the map To the Top Try it and see Rob a Bank Gives money Cooper Team Get money and items Watch the Clock Speeds up the clock allowing for faster research completion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syndicate Wars: 1.Get yourself to a DOS prompt. (you can also do this in Windows text editor) 2.Type cd c:\syndwars (or where ever your Syndicate Wars directory is located). 3.Type edit play.bat 4.Add /m to the end of the line so it looks like @main /d /g /m. 5.Exit out of the editor and save changes. 6.Start up your game and type play at your Syndicate Wars prompt. 7.Either start a new game or load a saved game. 8.Once in the game, go to the equipment screen. 9.Press the "." key. Now each time you press the "." key it will give you $10,000. You can use it as many times as you like(until you max out the money that is) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------